“Holy Hell, how does one manage a full time academic schedule, continue working a part time job and the ninety hours of placement that needs to be completed by week fourteen of the semester?!”. Many of us are all paddling in the same boat, trying to manage multiple tasks that are completely essential in order to keep afloat financially and graduate from our program without having to sacrifice grades or our finical stability. 

Assessing the amount of hours needed to complete our essential day to day goals like the mathematician God I am, and how many hours we need to physically complete it all, I concluded;  Theres 168H’s in one week, 7H’s for sleep every 24H’s, 18-20H’s for being in class for the average student per week, assignments and studying; 8H’s per week, at least 7H’s for placement/co-op a week and another 20-30H for our paid job positions.  Those hours alone leave us with just 51 left in a week.  That doesn’t even include commuting time that all students do on a daily basis to the college campus, their jobs and placement OR time to workout (which as fitness and health students we all love and take enjoyment in).  This can and will, leave almost all students feeling overwhelmed and panicked if they don’t have a time management plan in action.  

This blog is dedicated to helping all students find and build the necessary skills to effectively manage all areas of their life in order to have the ability to succeed.

 Five Rules to Create a Successful Time Management Schedule that Works Specifically for You

Rule One: Keep Track!!!
So I know it sounds basic and for some of us common sense to say keep track but lets take a second to lay out the facts of why it’s such an awesome tool and skill to take advantage of. Having a semester printout for all academics and class times, broken down into a weekly planner, with a daily schedule;  into the hours of how to spend your time the most effectively can lay out a visual representation of what needs to be done and give an individual more clarity to create a more structured life.  Having a checklist of daily, weekly, monthly and a for an entire semester of class, assignments, exams, placement and work can really help ease the stresses and anxiety.  A schedule this detailed can seem intense but the truth is, for most of us juggling this many important aspects of our lives is that intense! 

Rule Two: A Studying System
Create a study schedule and system that works for you personally.  Some students may find it helpful after all the classes of a day are complete, to go to their designated study spot, review the lectures, re-write notes and work on any outstanding assignments for those classes specifically.   I personally like this method and then go through a more broad review of all academics at the end of each week to assure everything is complete.  If an individual does not understand something, they can ask a classmate or e-mail a professor to ask for clarification, giving the student the upcoming week to also speak to the professor about it in person before, during or class time.

Rule Three: Honesty is The Best Policy 
For students who have jobs outside their placement and college, its important to be honest with your employer about your commitment to your education and that it's absolutely essential to get these placement hours completed.  Theres a 90% chance that your employer will completely support you and do the best they can to work around your schedule while still giving you your regular amount of work hours.  

Rule Four: Don’t Make Technology the Enemy 
Technology makes our everyday lives much simpler and is used regularly to further our education but like most things in life, its also used for things we enjoy; social media, games, TV, music…. No need to continue, we’d be here all day listing the outcomes of what technology can be used for but when it comes to using it, the lines can become blurred and distraction sets in.  Next thing you know, three hours have gone by and you’re four years deep in your friends partners, sisters dogs instagram page, scrolled in three hundred and twenty-six photos deep asking yourself;  “how the hell did I even get here?”.  I’m definitely a guilty member of that party.  Create a balance of useful tools or studying apps with a mix of things you enjoy for personal use.  Give yourself a break when you need it but know when its time to put away the games and use technology accordingly for whatever you’re trying to accomplish with academics, etc.   

Rule Five: Don’t Be a Burn Out!!!
Last but not least, the rule I deem most significant is; TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF.  Life as a student, who’s physically active and working can absolutely be down right taxing.  When one creates a schedule to effectively use their time, it also allows them to carve out a few hours, a night or even a weekend where they can do something to unwind, relax, catchup with friends and hell, even have a few drinks!  If you’re always burnt out from a scattered schedule, it takes out the chance you can have these moments for yourself and go back into your fast paced life feeling good or “refreshed”.  Accomplishing all our goals and ambitions are so important but we also need to take the time to celebrate how far we’ve come, where we are and what lies ahead.


Christina D.

Word Count: 935


  1. Hello Christina, First off I want to say how wonderful and great looking your blogs are, I feel like you have definitely used blogger before and I would definitely love some tips to help me with mine! .With that said your rules are straightforward but are extremely helpful, studying system I believe Is most important of your five rules because without a real schedule or set times to get stuff done than nothing will likely get done in time. I also like rule 5 don't be a burn out, I like this one because it is so true how tracing and draining working and going to school can be! but like you said just like scheduling time to study scheduling time for relaxing and chill time is equally just as important as scheduling the time to get assignments done , and can also help improve academic performance since you aren't constantly grinding out assignment after assignment .

    156 WORDS

  2. I agree with Cam - your blog looks great and your writing is very interesting - we have discussed that. :) I really liked your topic on this one - people who don't find the time to workout on a regular basis are not lazy, they are busy. Many of our clients not only are trying to juggle their day, but they are likely juggling care giving responsibilities, have demanding jobs and leave little time for self care. Life is a circus and sometimes those monkeys are all yours. Mary.


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