Its hard to believe were almost half way through the last semester.  Incase no one has told you and you’ve been too busy to appreciate how far and hard you’ve worked to get here, congratulations and well done!  As we head into week six, and a few weeks into working in co-op placement as an assistant skating coach from children ages 5+, I have to admit, I’m absolutely loving every second of it.  Recalling back to my first blog of “Let’s Make Sure Second Year Placement Doesn’t Suck," The first goal listed was to learn how to skate, for the obvious reasons.  I’m overwhelmed with joy to say, I have nailed the basics of the sport! Key word, ‘basics’.  NEVERTHELESS, EXTREMELY PROUD! 

     The following two goals: “the ability and skills to coach and manage a group of individuals taking part in a sport AND to see if I would enjoy working with children in a fitness/sport mentality”; Learning the cues, actions to look for and strategies to organize and group of individuals to learn a task I too feel like I have made tremendous progress in.  Growing up with five other siblings, both older and younger, I knew I was able to communicate and instruct effectively with youth but wasn’t entirely sure if I would enjoy working with them as a potential industry for a career.  After these past few weeks working with children and providing the tools for them to learn a skill has been a really rewarding experience I haven’t been able to be apart of before.  Although I have a business plan set out for the future that is currently in motion and being strived for, It's enlightening to know, I have other options to explore If I ever wanted to change paths or expand my business plan to incorporate youth into it.  

      Its impossible to pin point an exact reason on to why I’m having such a different experience this year vs. First year placement.  Yes, coaching a sport and a position in a gym are very different.  However, I have also worked as a personal trainer for a largest chain gym globally in the city prior to first year placement and LOVED my job.  I took pride in it!  It was just too far of a commute to continue working or do my placement there while living an hour away, closer to the college campus.  However, I assumed a placement as a trainer/learning other traits of a typical gym would provide the same atmosphere but It was completely different and found myself dragging my feet into work.  The environment of learning the new sport of skating, being able to help guide others to learn and having a fast-paced and interactive placement has been an amazing experience, continuing to learn new coaching strategies and extremely grateful for the staff, specifically my supervisor Melinda for bringing such a positive and outgoing atmosphere for everyone involved.  

Five Personal Placement Goals

       1. Learn how to skate 
2. The ability and skills to coach/manage a group of individuals taking part in a sport
3.  To see if I would enjoy working with youth in a fitness/sport mentality (Industry wise)
4. Create a larger network in the surrounding communities for fitness and sports 
5. Obtain and outstanding letter of reference from my supervisor I am assisting and shadowing for this placement

Word Count: 572


  1. Congratulations! Every experience is valuable and can lead us to unexpected adventures. Sometimes unsettled feelings are natures way of calling us to switch it up and try something new. Glad to hear you are enjoying the experience. Variety is key - keep it fresh!


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