Let's Make Sure Second Year Placement Doesn't Suck

I almost named this blog “What the F%@K do I want out of placement this year,"  followed a small brain aneurysm. Then realizing it probably wasn’t the most appropriate headline for a school blog but then again, what the f#@k do we want out of placement this year? By the way, I’m Christina Donnelly, one of your many peers.  Many of us are in the final stretch of our fitness and health program, trying to push through these never ending four months not even really thinking about what positive outcomes could be obtained from these, lets be brutally honest here, pesky, annoying, time consuming non-paid (for most of us) ninety MANDATORY hours.  

Cycling through the Kübler-Ross model “Five Stages of Grief”; serious denial, a few overly aggressive workouts, with some head banging tunes and a smidge of avoidance, I had a “coming to Jesus moment”  accepting the inevitable of having to find yet again, another placement.  I decided it was time to create a plan.  First year placement was a standard position in a gym facility shadowing personal trainers, learning front desk and taking fitness classes.  There was nothing wrong with it, but there was a lack of ambition knowledge or skill involved.  Quite frankly, I found it extremely boring and that was far less than the ninety hours we have this time-round.  I said to myself, “If I’m going to be stuck doing placement for the next ninety bleeping hours, I want to actually learn something, enjoy myself and create new windows of opportunity I currently don’t see myself working in or with”.  I started researching different areas outside gyms, looking into physiotherapy and massage clinics, senior home fitness/mobility programs and nothing really stuck out to me in a way where I could actively participate rather than just shadow and watch until I looked into sport teams for youth.  

After four weeks of amazing 8AM lectures and guest speakers explaining the importance of networking (as I casually roll my eyes), the thought magically dawned on me to reach out to a few individuals I associate with outside the Barrie area and two emails in, I was offered a position to assist in coaching children on how to skate.  I went through my check list of finding a placement to bring different opportunities and learn something new.  I have never worked with children, never been a sports team coach and, oh I don’t know how to skate, probably shouldn’t leave that small detail out.  I took the opportunity without hesitation, after all, it fits all the criteria I mentioned.  Fortunately the coach who will be taking me on as an assistant has been teaching me to skate and in return, I've been teaching them to ski.  I’d say thats a pretty fair trade and both awesome ways to spend time outside.  I guess I’ve been described as ‘actively outdoorsy’ even in those good Ol’ Canadian cold winters. 

My five goals I am aiming for with this amazing opportunity, and I don’t mean that ironically, is 1) Learn how to skate, 2) The ability and skills to coach and manage a group of individuals taking part in a sport, 3) To see if I would enjoy working with children in a fitness/sport mentality in a career, 4) Create a larger network of individuals sport industry and 5) Obtain an outstanding letter of reference from my supervisor and coach I am shadowing these next 10 weeks.  The first goal I have been working on is learning how to skate for the obvious reason that in order to succeed in any other areas of my goals and placement, all depends on me continuing my training and sessions with my supervisor.  Two weeks into my lessons and things have been taking a more “stable” turn, not to say there wasn’t a few good tumbles in there.  I am just starting placement next week and I’m already having an amazing time learning the skills of being able to skate and to participate in being an assistant coach.  

In conclusion, I am astatic to see my skills, knowledge and education grow in this placement I have the opportunity of being apart of. 

Until the next post, 

Christina Donnelly 

Word count: 706



    I think everyone is on the same page with this, you girl are great. Placement should be paid and yes I do find it a waste of time if you end up with something you are less interested in. You are very real and I feel like more people should of a mind set like you, you tell it how it is and that what this generation needs especially in college. Its sad that most of us haven't really learned anything from our placements when really we could be using that time to work or study for exams. I feel like this program is very bi-est and they have only taught us stuff that we can utilize within a gym but not when we get into the real world. I am happy you have found something you actually enjoy going to because that is super rare.

    word count: 154

  2. If you wanna read my opinion about the 90 hours, check out my blog ;) https://lilyfitzmaurice.blogspot.ca/

    I completely GET THIS POST. I find placement pesky and aggravating as well. I have never been so stressed about something like this so much in my life that it hurts my brain and I have lost plenty of brain cells trying to obtain my 90 hours... It's always difficult to figure out a placement you may enjoy so you can learn something from it, but even if you don't learn anything new, at least you got the hours. Half of us are probably doing a placement that was a last resort because it was difficult to obtain a different one. I'm so glad someone shares the same stress as this! Enjoyed reading the post, love it. - Lily Fitzmaurice
    WORD COUNT: 138

  3. Hey Christina,

    First off i want to say i love your blog! The effort and details you put into your site is awesome and the personality you add to your posts makes it actually enjoyable to read, which I think is the point of these posts rather than just getting some words down. Maybe you can somehow add blogging to your future career if its something you enjoy and something that can help build your brand and let your name be heard in the fitness industry. As for your placement is seems good your accomplishing a lot of firsts like working with kids and coaching and learning to skate. It definitely takes a patient kind of person to teach kids and its good you get to experience if this is right for you and enjoyable. As for you saying the 90 hours is pesky and annoying i totally agree however there is ways to make it more enjoyable. participating and learning to skate yourself is for sure one as you get to self improve and work on a fun new skill as you get credits/hours for it. Another thing that I did was get two different coops that are very different in what I help with doing and therefore the work doesn't get old or redundant and I am switching things up and learning twice the stuff as what one place has to offer and I have just done less hours per placement to just break up my 90 hours, this has helped me and worked well for me. All the best in coop and your future career!

    word count 268


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